E-commerce Drives Significant Economic Impact in Italy

A new study conducted by Netcomm and Althesys has revealed the substantial economic contribution of e-commerce to Italy. The sector generated a shared value of over €133 billion in 2022, accounting for 7% of the country’s GDP, marking a substantial increase of 13.9% compared to the previous year.

Job Creation and Public Investment

E-commerce played a pivotal role in job creation, supporting 1.6 million jobs in Italy, representing 6.4% of the national workforce. The industry generated gross wages of €35 billion, a 13.2% increase from 2021. Furthermore, the generated wealth enabled the Italian State to invest €49.6 billion in public services and infrastructure, contributing to societal well-being and economic development.

Room for Growth: Digitalization Remains a Priority

Despite the significant economic impact, the study highlights the untapped potential of e-commerce in Italy. Currently, only 4.7% of the total turnover of Italian companies is recorded through online channels. While this percentage has been steadily increasing (from 2.6% in 2015), there is still ample room for growth. Netcomm emphasized the need for measures to support Italian businesses in their digital transformation journey, particularly in expanding their cross-border e-commerce activities.

Key Takeaways:

  • E-commerce contributed €133 billion to Italy’s GDP in 2022.
  • The sector created 1.6 million jobs, representing 6.4% of the Italian workforce.
  • E-commerce generated €49.6 billion in public investment.
  • Only 4.7% of Italian companies’ total turnover is currently through e-commerce.
  • There is a strong need for measures to support digitalization and cross-border e-commerce in Italy.

The study’s findings underscore the vital role of e-commerce in driving economic growth and creating jobs in Italy. As the country continues to embrace digital transformation, the potential for further development in this sector is significant. DMSMatrix will continue to monitor the progress of e-commerce in Italy and provide updates on emerging trends and opportunities.

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