Over Half of German Online Sales Now Occur on Marketplaces

A new report by Handelsverband Deutschland (HDE), the German Retail Association, reveals a significant shift in consumer behavior. According to the Online Monitor 2024, online marketplaces now account for over 50% of all online sales in Germany, marking a record high. This trend coincides with the increasing popularity of mobile shopping, with 55% of online purchases completed via smartphones, translating to nearly €47 billion in sales in 2023.

Revised Sales Figures and Normalization Trends

While HDE initially predicted a more robust growth trajectory for e-commerce in Germany, reaching €89.4 billion by the end of 2023, they have since revised their estimates. The association now reports a total online revenue of €85 billion in 2023, reflecting a modest 1% increase compared to the previous year. This “normalization” trend is attributed to the exceptional growth witnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“For many years, online commerce has been the driving force behind retail sales in Germany,” commented Stephan Tromp, deputy managing director at HDE. “However, the high growth rates experienced during the pandemic years make it challenging for the industry to maintain this momentum. As a result, we’re seeing a normalization of online sales in 2024.”

Marketplace Dominance and Concerns

The report highlights the dominance of online marketplaces, with a 10% increase in sales on these platforms compared to 2022. This trend raises concerns for HDE, who have previously urged German policymakers to implement stricter regulations for foreign marketplaces, particularly those originating from China.

“There are widespread concerns regarding compliance with EU regulations on pricing, website design, product safety, environmental protection, and taxes by some cheap marketplaces,” stated HDE in the report. “This situation cannot persist. All businesses operating in Germany must adhere to the established rules, and relevant authorities need to enforce these regulations.”

Looking Ahead: Continued Growth Expected

Despite the revised figures for 2023, HDE forecasts a positive outlook for the year ahead. They predict a 3.4% increase in e-commerce sales compared to 2023, with the online share of German retail reaching an estimated 13.1%.

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